Re: Extracting an xml file from a zip behind basic auth

That works, thanks Gerrit!


> On Apr 14, 2023, at 3:07 PM, Imsieke, Gerrit, le-tex <> wrote:
> Hi David,
> You should be able to store the Zip file using <p:store cx:decode="true"> (if you use XML Calabash) and then use pxp:unzip on the stored file.
> Only in XProc 3 will you be able to let the zip flow through the pipeline without writing anything to disk.
> Gerrit
>> On 14.04.2023 20:26, David Cramer wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> I have a nice XProc 1.0 script that interacts with a REST API behind basic auth. I provide base64 encoded credentials and the pipeline happily parses the xml response bodies, follows link relations, recursively follows pagination links, constructs its own request bodies to POST and so on. Everything is great except for one awkward part: The API provides access to zip files containing a bundle of resources, including some XML files that I need. I was hoping I could use pxp:unzip providing the url of the zip, but I have provide the authentication header as well. Should I use p:http-request and send the result of that to pxp:unzip? Unfortunately p:http-request doesn't seem to like hitting an endpoint that gives it non-xml content. What's the right approach? Is there an example of how to do this?
>> For now, I've just done p:exec to call curl, get the zip on the filesystem, and pxp:unzip it from there, but it seems so inelegant compared to everything else.
>> Regards,
>> David

Received on Saturday, 15 April 2023 21:21:28 UTC