Re: Creating and using variables ... again ...

Am 06.11.2020 um 16:55 schrieb David Birnbaum:

> I am stuck in (at least) two places when I attempt to move this logic
> into XProc:
> The first sticking point is that the following does not find the files
> within the "modules" subdirectory; it returns an empty <filenames/> element:
>        <p:xquery name="madule-filenames">
>          <p:with-input port="query">
>            <p:inline content-type="application/xml">
>              <filenames>{{collection("modules")}}</filenames>
>            </p:inline>
>          </p:with-input>
>        </p:xquery>

Does it work if you put the XQuery code in an external file referenced
for the query port? It might just be a base URI problem.

But for "pure" XProc itself use

Received on Friday, 6 November 2020 16:09:17 UTC