Re: Calabash slow from command line

I am using the p:directory-list
  <p:directory-list path="../SampleReports/test1/"/>
    <p:filter select="//c:file[contains(@name,'.xml') and position() &lt;10 ]"/>
    <p:for-each name="iterate">

I eliminated my XProc and am still confused about the difference between saxon’s time to respond and calabash time to respond.

> On Jun 27, 2020, at 13:44, Imsieke, Gerrit, le-tex <> wrote:
> How do you do the directory listing in XSLT and XProc? Each time with collection() from within XSLT, or do you use p:directory-list, maybe recursively? I experienced some performance issues when (recursively) listing directories with thousands of files in it using p:directory-list.
> On 27.06.2020 18:45, Robert Stuart wrote:
>> Oxygen does take quite a while to start up.
>> eliminating my pipeline itself from the timing I’m not sure that I can blame just the startup of the JVM maybe the time to load Calabash is huge compared to just Saxon? Oxygen is certainly much longer than just Saxon.
>> For example doing
>> java -cp "../BuildDependencies/xmlcalabash-1.2.1-99/*:../BuildDependencies/xmlcalabash-1.2.1-99/lib/*” com.xmlcalabash.drivers.Main
>> takes about 11 seconds to return the help info
>> where
>> java -jar ../BuildDependencies/SaxonHE9-9-1-7J/saxon9he.jar
>> is around .75 seconds to return it’s help info
>> I’ll look at piperack but I think I’d have to rework my pipeline a bit to use it. Right now it grabs a directory listing of a bunch of files and iterates over them. It also outputs interim results. My first quick read of piperack sounds like I would have to move the looping outside of XProc and maybe split the piple into several so that the interim results could be returned from a standalone pipeline.
>> Am I misreading piperack?
>>> On Jun 27, 2020, at 10:12, Norman Tovey-Walsh <> wrote:
>>> Robert Stuart <> writes:
>>>> I run a simple pipeline to run 3 xsl on 10 files  from inside Oxygen and it takes ~9 seconds.
>>>> I run the same from the command line using
>>>> java -cp ../BuildDependencies/xmlcalabash-1.2.1-99/*.jar com.xmlcalabash.drivers.Main test.xpl
>>>> and it takes ~51 seconds
>>>> Is this expected for some reason? Do I have something not “right”?
>>> How long does Oxygen take to start up on your machine? The only
>>> practical difference between those two should be the JVM startup tax. If
>>> you’re of a mind to experiment a little, you could try configuring the
>>> pipeline to run in piperack[1] which would also mitigate the JVM startup
>>> overhead.
>>>                                        Be seeing you,
>>>                                          norm
>>> [1]

Received on Saturday, 27 June 2020 19:54:14 UTC