Transforming the c:param-set document from the parameters port

Some time ago, I learned on this list how to fetch values from the 
c:param-set that comes in on the parameter port to use in p:variable 
values in my pipeline:

Now I'm attempting to transform that c:param-set before my xslt steps 
consume it. Transforming the c:param-set is easy enough by taking as 
input the result of the Geert Josten's ut:parameters utility step:

However, once the c:param-set is transformed, I haven't figured out how 
to make subsequent steps in the pipline use the manipulated version.

I could manipulate the parameters in the scripts that call calabash or 
in the xslts, but it feels like I should be able to run the c:param-set 
thorough an xslt and then use the result of that in the rest of my pipline.

Is this possible?

Btw., I'm running xmlcalabash-1.1.16-97


Received on Sunday, 15 October 2017 04:04:18 UTC