[monthly report] XProc 3.0 specification

Fellow XProckers [1],

The monthly progress report is available as a Wiki page of the XProc 3.0 
spec repo: https://github.com/xproc/3.0-specification/wiki/2017-04-11

The 3.0-specification repo has been renamed from 1.1-specification. Some 
of you are watching / have starred the 1.0-specification repo. Please 
consider moving your eyeballs and/or stars over to 
https://github.com/xproc/3.0-specification since there won’t be much 
activity in the 1.0 repo any more.

Admittedly, the activity in the 3.0-specification repo is still a bit 
restrained, but we are making some progress.

Remember there’s an open XProc F2F meeting scheduled for June 12. We’ll 
have a meeting room at University College London, which happens to be 
the same venue as XML London [2]. I set up a page at Lanyrd [3] where 
you can express interest in attending the F2f. Registering there is 
optional and nonbinding but it helps us determine whether we all fit 
into the room and how many people will have lunch. Unfortunately, Lanyrd 
seems to be down right now, which is a déjà vu. Here’s hoping that it 
will recover.


[1] “XProcker” is formed analogously to havocker [4]
[2] http://xmllondon.com/
[3] http://lanyrd.com/2017/xproc/
[4] https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/havocker

Received on Saturday, 15 April 2017 13:27:22 UTC