Re: XProc Workshop AT RISK!

I am driving by car and could easily cancel the hotel....
but, I really hope we can get this going

I will certainly show up tomorrow morning
(too late for the social event tonight I am afraid)
It should not be too hard to find a place to sit in Amsterdam tomorrow
(will bring some phone numbers for a worst case scenario)

It might be a good idea to encourage participants to reconfirm and make sure that contact details are known
(maybe temporarily list mobile phone numbers on the wiki)
to make sure we leave no one for a closed door if we move location

If things get settled around the beer tonight, please make sure everyone is informed

----- Oorspronkelijk bericht -----
Van: "Norman Walsh" <>
Aan: "XProc Dev" <>
Verzonden: Zondag 25 september 2016 10:14:20
Onderwerp: Re: XProc Workshop AT RISK!

Still haven’t heard from Steven. No idea about the venue. Also haven’t
heard back from Laurie (one of the XML Amsterdam organizers I tried to

So here it is: I’ve already paid for the hotel and the air fare and I
have to stay somewhere for the next few days, so Amsterdam it is.
I’m going to turn up tomorrow and see what happens.

If you have refundable travel and accommodations, I certainly won’t
be offended if you decide not to risk it.

If this doesn’t come together, I do hope to be at XML Prague this
year, and I’d be happy to entertain the prospect of adding on a
workshop then.

See (some of you, maybe) soon.

                                        Be seeing you,

Norman Walsh
Lead Engineer
MarkLogic Corporation
Phone: +1 512 761 6676

Received on Sunday, 25 September 2016 08:38:57 UTC