Re: On sequences

> Am 21.10.2016 um 20:27 schrieb Norman Walsh <>:
> Do we really get enough value out of @sequence=true/false to justify it?
> What benefit does it provide to end users? What negative consequences
> would arise if we removed it and simply said all inputs and outputs
> may produce a sequence?
> Steps that care, like p:xslt, where a sequence of stylesheet inputs
> makes no sense, could check and raise errors.

Good argument, Sir! 
One element of complexity removed, one lesson you do not have to learn as an XProc beginner.

Just to understand the full impact of your proposal: 
Does this mean, that say "p:add-attribute" is supposed to add an attribute with the given value to all matched elements on ALL (xml) documents on the input port „source“? This would save a lot of p:for-each, if we need it at all. Looks great at the first view!

What I do not fully see is compatibility (usability) of older (XProc 1.0) pipelines. Will all (most) of them produce the same result, if we simply ignore any „@sequence“ and change the behaviour of the step? Any thoughts?


Achim Berndzen

Received on Saturday, 22 October 2016 08:03:11 UTC