Zipping with no compression

Hello friends,

I am trying something like this (when trying to generate EPUB format):

<pxp:zip xmlns:pxp="">
    <p:input port="manifest">

<c:zip-manifest xmlns:c="">
  <c:entry method="stored" name="mimetype"

Near as I can see, using XML Calabash 1.1.0-96 (in a current copy of
oXygen), this is putting the file into the zip, but not leaving it
uncompressed (compression 0 or 'none').

I know these may be deep and somewhat turbulent waters -- or am I
lucky, and I'm simply doing something wrong?

Very gratefully,

Wendell Piez |
XML | XSLT | electronic publishing
Eat Your Vegetables

Received on Friday, 2 October 2015 14:15:15 UTC