XML Calabash experimental 1.0.31 release

Hi folks,

Nudged along by Jim Fuller, I've made a few changes to XML Calabash.

1. Extension steps and functions can now be identified by an
   annotation on the implementation class. This means you don't have
   to fiddle with any XML Calabash configuration settings.

2. I've moved the MarkLogic XCC and RDF extension steps into their own
   repositories. This is experimental proof that the annotation
   mechanism works and, in the case of RDF, reduces the size of the
   XML Calabash distribution by almost 10Mb (1/3!).

3. I've switched to Gradle for builds. On the plus side: Maven. You
   can now get XML Calabash, XML Resolver, the DocBook XSLT Java
   extension functions, and the RDF and XCC extension steps through
   Maven. On the minus side: Java 1.7. I wasn't able to persuade
   Gradle to build with Java 1.6 when there were dependent libraries
   that require 1.7.

4. The distributions are now available through the GitHub 'Releases'
   pages. And they're constructed automatically by Travis CI. That
   means https: for you and less work for me.

5. Jim's made fabulous strides with Depify and distribution of XML
   Calabash and extensions through an easy, consumer friendly tool.
   Watch this space for updates from Jim.

Share and enjoy.

                                        Be seeing you,

P.S. Yes, I know there are bugs. Apologies if you'd have prefered I
spend my time working on those.

Norman Walsh
Lead Engineer
MarkLogic Corporation
Phone: +1 512 761 6676

Received on Wednesday, 4 March 2015 03:11:37 UTC