setting uri on primary output of xslt

A couple of related questions regarding the uri of documents produced on
the "result" and "secondary" output ports of the p:xslt step.

First, it was unclear from the specs how an xproc implementation would
distinguish the "primary" result document from all the others. A little
experimentation in calabash (1.0.18-95) seemed to prove that the
"primary" document was the one that was *not* produced from an
<xsl:result-document> instruction. If there is no such document, the
"result" output port sees an empty sequence (which was the first mystery
I had to solve).

Question #1: Is this the expected behavior per spec, or
implementation-specific? In either case, it would be good if the spec
either clarified the expectation or stated that this was an
implementation choice. Looking back with what I know now, it seems
calabash is doing the sensible thing, but I still can't piece together
the right paragraphs in the xproc and xslt2 specifications to justify

Having settled that issue, I then tried to set the uri of the default,
or primary, result document. With <xsl:result-document>, you just set
the href attribute. In my case it worked to use a relative uri in the
stylesheet, and set the output-base-uri on the p:xslt step. Then
subsequent steps could use the document-uri() associated with each
result document. But due to the apparent asymmetry in setting document
uris on the "primary" and "secondary" output of xslt, I need some other
way to conditionally process the primary results from p:xslt. I could
find no way to add the document uri during or after the xslt step. As
far as I can tell it comes out with an empty document-uri, which seems
to be as specified by xslt2 for the default result document. I tried
setting xml:base on various elements, but nothing worked.

Question #2: Is there a way to set document-uri on an intermediate
document in an xproc pipeline?

I could work around this by putting all xslt output documents on the
secondary output port (by wrapping the default in
<xsl:result-document>). Then I need do do a little extra work to find
the "primary" document for any special processing it alone requires. And
I need to "sink" the "result" port output, since it is the primary xslt
output port and will be empty.

Thanks for any thoughts and suggestions.


Received on Wednesday, 30 July 2014 00:59:49 UTC