Re: manifest based processing

On 19 February 2014 14:07, Romain Deltour wrote:

> b.  what I suggested (on tweeter) was not an extension of the
> "kind" attribute

  Interesting.  Actually I missed that part of Jostein's email, I have
just seen it now that I saw this mention in your own email.  What is
interesting is that I was writing a response to Jostein suggesting
exactly the same thing as he did: being able to define the "kind" of a
port, and being able to connect implicitly outputs ports to the inputs
ports of the same kind on the net step.

  In addition to that "use a kind in order to create it", which looks
like @mode in XSLT 1.0 and 2.0 (a mode exists as soon as you create a
template rule with a @mode with that name), there could even be a
p:kind declaration (like XSLT 3.0 introduces xsl:mode).

  This has 2 advantages: detecting typos (if you make a typo, a new
kind is not created but the compilation gives you an error), and
allowing to set properties on the kind itself (is there an opportunity
to set a content-type?, validate outputs and inputs based on a
schema?, asking the processor to log all documents flowing through
ports of a given kind, etc.)

  That would probably solve verbose explicit bindings between steps of
the same library or application, acting on the same (sets of) kinds of


Florent Georges

Received on Wednesday, 19 February 2014 13:27:20 UTC