Re: Retrieving External Files in XSLT Script

On 26.05.2013 21:59, Betty Harvey wrote:
> When I run the XProc provides the following error message:
> C:\file:\K:\myfiles\myfile.dita((The filename, directory name, or volume
> label syntax is incorrect)
> I have verified that 'file:\K\myfiles\myfile.dita' is accessible.  The URL
> that I am actually the file is:  file:///K:/myfiles/myfile.dita.

But the error message suggests that you in fact try to resolve the 
Windows file name rather than the file: URL. Have you tried submitting a 
proper URI to the doc function? Maybe the standalone Saxon does some 
extra magic by default in order to URIfy Windows file names.

> I know that you cannot use "xsl:result-document" in your XProc script.  I
> am wondering if Xproc has a similar issue with doc()?  Maybe this is why
> DITA OT uses ANT.

You can actually use xsl:result-document. The documents appear on the 
output port called "secondary" and may be selected / written to disk / 
whatever by their base-uri().


> TIA!
> Betty
> /\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/
> Betty Harvey                         | Phone:  410-787-9200  FAX: 9830
> Electronic Commerce Connection, Inc. |
>                    | Washington,DC XML Users Grp
> URL:          |
> /\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\\/\/
> Member of XML Guild (

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Received on Sunday, 26 May 2013 20:48:13 UTC