xprocspec - A tool for testing XProc scripts

I've been working on a tool for testing XProc scripts for a little while
now. It is based purely on XProc, but depends on Calabash for dynamic
evaluation of pipelines <http://xmlcalabash.com/docs/reference/cx-eval.html>

The project is called xprocspec and can be found here:

Some features:
* Test grammar based on the XSLT-testing tool
but somewhat modified to better suit XProc
* Use ports, errors, directory structures or files as test contexts
* Make assertions against the test contexts in terms of XPath expressions
or document comparisons

For anyone who wants to try it out; expect bugs. Check out the GitHub
repository and have a look at the bundled example.

Feedback appreciated!


Received on Tuesday, 9 July 2013 10:37:13 UTC