Problems when copying files


We obtain some strange results with the following script with Calabash 
1.0.8 (I think I encountered this also on previous versions).

We have the following structure:


See the files content below [1].

The test.xpl script should load the files from the xml folder and then 
store them in a folder called xml1, then load the files from the folder 
xml1 and store them in a folder xml2.

Trying to run the script gives the following error:
Scenario: test
XProc file: /Users/george/Documents/test/xproc_samples/test.xpl
Engine name: Calabash XProc
Severity: error
Description: err:XC0017 : XC0017 It is a dynamic error if the absolute 
path does not identify a directory.

I then created an xml1 folder so we have now the following structure


First run does not give any error but the result structure is


That is the file was copied to xml1 but no copy from xml1 to xml2 took 
Running again the script with the new structure gives the desired result


Is this the expected behavior?

[1] sample files


<p:declare-step xmlns:p="" 
name="sampleCopyTest" version="1.0"

   <p:input port="source" sequence="true"/>
   <p:output port="result" sequence="true">

   <p:variable name="input" select="'xml/'"/>
   <p:variable name="out1" select="'xml1/'"/>
   <p:variable name="out2" select="'xml2/'"/>

     <p:with-option name="path" select="$input"/>

     <p:iteration-source select="/c:directory/c:file"/>
     <p:variable name="filename" select="/c:file/@name"/>
     <p:variable name="result" select="concat($out1, $filename)"/>

       <p:with-option name="href" select="concat($input, $filename)"/>
     <p:store omit-xml-declaration="false">
       <p:with-option name="href" select="$result"/>


     <p:with-option name="path" select="$out1"/>

     <p:iteration-source select="/c:directory/c:file"/>
     <p:variable name="filename" select="/c:file/@name"/>
     <p:variable name="result" select="concat($out2, $filename)"/>
       <p:with-option name="href" select="concat($out1, $filename)"/>
     <p:store omit-xml-declaration="false">
       <p:with-option name="href" select="$result"/>


Best Regards,
George Cristian Bina
<oXygen/> XML Editor, Schema Editor and XSLT Editor/Debugger

Received on Friday, 15 February 2013 09:46:14 UTC