Re: own defined step and xml:base "inheritance"


Well it seems I have some problem with my Calabash installations.

As I'm testing things with xproc i have 3 differents calabash launcher.

These are the result of running your simple pipeline :

1) launcher "Calabash1.0.16" : the pipeline never ends up ??
command line > java -Xms512m -Xmx1024m -Dcom.xmlcalabash.phonehome="false"
-jar J:\info_editoriale\XML_EDITORIAL\Recherche_et_Developpement\xproc\_de
v\calabash-1.0.16-95\calabash.jar  _test\test_static-uri.xpl

I have to look what's happen here, this is really strange ! see my other
post at

2) launcher "Calabash version 1.0.3 (for Saxon 9.4.x)" : it works fine :)

3) launcher "calabash_0.9.15" :
=> error parsing xproc : Attribute not allowed: version => ok I delete it
=> Unexpected step name: p:template => just like what my oXygen 12.2 says

Well it seems xproc syntax (DTD?) has changed with the time, I have to make
my tools ready for 1.0.

I find it hard dealing with xproc sometimes, but keep the faith !


2013/12/16 Florent Georges <>

> On 16 December 2013 17:29, RICAUD-DUSSARGET Matthieu wrote:
> > Seems like static-base-uri() is always empty, equal where I call it from.
>   Weird.  The following pipeline outputs correctly a <uri> element
> with the URI of the pipeline document.  How do you run your pipeline?
>     <p:pipeline xmlns:p="" version="1.0">
>        <p:template>
>           <p:with-param name="uri" select="static-base-uri()"/>
>           <p:input port="template">
>              <p:inline>
>                 <uri>{ $uri }</uri>
>              </p:inline>
>           </p:input>
>        </p:template>
>     </p:pipeline>
>   Regards,
> --
> Florent Georges

Matthieu Ricaud-Dussarget
IGS-CP - Développeur XML
05 45 37 09 49

Received on Tuesday, 17 December 2013 09:59:44 UTC