Re: Processing DocBook with Calabash: 'exslt' error "Cannot find a matching 1-argument function named {}node-set()"

My apologies, you're right Romain. Thanks for precising the difference
between these 2 kind of functions : processors-specific written in java and
xslt defines ones.

And thanks for confirming there seem's to be no workaround to use
xslt-defines function with xproc/calabash/saxonHE.
Althought one may define xslt functions when running an XSLT2 stylesheet
with SaxonHE.

Not with xproc, well "c'est la vie" :(


2013/12/16 Romain Deltour <>

> I think Graeme’s original question and the topic discussed in Norm’s blog
> are two different things.
> 1. Graeme wants to have processor-specific XPath extension functions
> working in Saxon. The reason it doesn’t work out of the box in Saxon HE is
> that the implementation of the EXSLT functions are no longer bundled by
> default with Saxon HE. It is workable though if you write the glue code to
> register these functions with Saxon’s configuration object.
> 2. Norm’s blog is about importing **xslt-defined** functions in XProc.
> These are not really processor-specfiic extension functions (e.g. written
> in Java). The reason why this new Calabash feature doesn’t work with Saxon
> HE is because Saxon’s API is intentionally restricted. There is
> unfortunately no workaround (that I know of).
> Romain.
> On 16 déc. 2013, at 18:45, RICAUD-DUSSARGET Matthieu <
>> wrote:
> Hi Graeme
> I was wondering the quite same question a few days ago. After searching,
> it seems one cannot use custom xslt functions (home made, not only exslt)
> with xproc/calabash unless one get a saxon(PE?)/EE licence. See norm's
> explanation here :
> Cheers,
> Matthieu
> 2013/12/10 Ari Nordström <>
>>  Hi,
>> You should be able to specify a saxon configuration file when running
>> Calabash. See
>> The <xslt> value "0.0" means that the XSLT version used is taken from the
>> stylesheet. Haven't tested this but it's what the documentation says.
>> As for Calabash, you can add a --saxon-configuration <file> option to its
>> command line.
>> Best,
>> Ari
>>  Ari Nordström
>> Senior Consultant
>> Condesign Operations Support AB
>> Phone +46 31 744 17 91
>> Mobile +46 736 000 333
>> Email
>> >>> <> 2013-12-02 13:06 >>>
>> Hi all,
>> Apologies that this is a processor-specific question (relating to
>> Calabash), but I couldn't find a comparable mailing list which was
>> specific to Calabash.
>> I'm processing DocBook files with an XProc pipeline. My issue is that
>> when I invoke the DocBook 1.78.0 XSL stylesheets' 'assemble.xsl' file, I
>> get an 'exslt' error indicating that a required extension function could
>> not be found. The error is as follows:
>> Dec 02, 2013 11:53:58 AM
>> com.xmlcalabash.util.DefaultXProcMessageListener error
>> file:/[...]/docbook/assembly/assemble.xsl:552:err:XTDE1425:Cannot find a
>> matching 1-argument function named {}node-set().
>> There is no Saxon extension function with the local name node-set
>> I understand from Bob Stayton [1] that this is a by-product of trying to
>> invoke the DocBook stylesheets (which are XSLT 1.0) with Saxon 9 HE,
>> which is an XSLT 2.0 processor.
>> However, when I run the pipeline from within oXygen, which embeds Saxon
>> EE, the DocBook stylesheets run quiet happily. Modifying oXygen's config
>> to force it to use HE causes the error to appear there as well.
>> My XSLT step looks like this:
>> <p:xslt name="assemble-docbook">
>>                 <p:input port="stylesheet">
>>                     <p:document
>> href="../target/generated-resources/docbook/assembly/assemble.xsl"/>
>>                 </p:input>
>>                 <p:input port="parameters">
>>                     <p:empty/>
>>                 </p:input>
>>                 <p:with-option name="version" select="1.0" />
>>             </p:xslt>
>> I wonder if anyone could clarify whether a stock installation of
>> Calabash, with Saxon HE, can be cajoled into running the DocBook
>> stylesheets correctly. I've tried adding the '-X use-xslt-10' flag to
>> the command without any success.
>> I need to be able to run the pipeline from the shell (or maybe even on
>> the web) on boxes where I won't have a licence for Saxon EE.
>> I'm running Calabash 1.0.15 and Saxon HE.
>> Thanks in advance for any assistance.
>> Graeme
>> [1]
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>> Condesign AB, 556255-8313, säte Göteborg; Condesign Automation AB,
>> 556271-3676, säte Göteborg; Condesign Engineering AB, 556469-2092 säte
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> --
> Matthieu Ricaud-Dussarget
> IGS-CP - Développeur XML
> 05 45 37 09 49

Matthieu Ricaud-Dussarget
IGS-CP - Développeur XML
05 45 37 09 49

Received on Tuesday, 17 December 2013 08:44:18 UTC