Calabash 1.0.16-95 bogue? library pipeline never ends up


I think this is a "Calabash only" question, hope this is the good list.

I have download the last calabash-1.0.16-95 release and my xproc script
doesn't work anymore (I was using v.1.0.3 before)

** The context **
I'd like to use Xproc as a configuration file for Epub conversion, let's
call it "profile.xpl".
That means profile.xpl has to be as simple as possible because non-xproc
developper will have to use it as a parameter file.

profile.xpl calls a library "common.xpl" which makes all complex and
verbose stuff.

On the other hand, profile.xpl should be able to define different
subprocess which can call each other.

To make this works I have defines that  :
- profile.xpl has to run <p:pipeline> instead of <p:declare-step> so the
file keep not verbose
- profile.xpl has to be a <p:library> so I can call any sub process from
the command line

** the test **

This is how it looks as really simple test :

 * profile.xpl *
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<p:library  xmlns:p=""
  <p:pipeline type="igs:test">

* test.xml *
<?xml version="1.0"?>

* command line *
java -Dcom.xmlcalabash.phonehome="false" -jar
calabash-1.0.16-95\calabash.jar -b igs=  -i
source=test.xml -l test.xpl -s igs:test

This command line doesn't work : I get an endless waiting.
With debug option I get this :

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<declare-step xmlns="" version="1.0">
   <input port="source" sequence="true"/>
   <input port="parameters" kind="parameter"/>
   <output port="result">
      <pipe step="cmdlineStep1" port="result"/>
   <import href="test.xpl"/>
   <igs:test xmlns:igs="" name="cmdlineStep1">
      <input port="source">

and then the pipeline never ends.

When I use another version of Calabash like Calabash version 1.0.3, it
works fine.

Any suggestions ? is that a bug with Calabash 1.0.16-95 ?

Thanks in advance,


Matthieu Ricaud-Dussarget
IGS-CP - Développeur XML
05 45 37 09 49

Received on Monday, 16 December 2013 10:51:13 UTC