Processing DocBook with Calabash: 'exslt' error "Cannot find a matching 1-argument function named {}node-set()"

Hi all,
Apologies that this is a processor-specific question (relating to
Calabash), but I couldn't find a comparable mailing list which was
specific to Calabash.

I'm processing DocBook files with an XProc pipeline. My issue is that
when I invoke the DocBook 1.78.0 XSL stylesheets' 'assemble.xsl' file, I
get an 'exslt' error indicating that a required extension function could
not be found. The error is as follows:

Dec 02, 2013 11:53:58 AM
com.xmlcalabash.util.DefaultXProcMessageListener error
file:/[...]/docbook/assembly/assemble.xsl:552:err:XTDE1425:Cannot find a
matching 1-argument function named {}node-set().
There is no Saxon extension function with the local name node-set

I understand from Bob Stayton [1] that this is a by-product of trying to
invoke the DocBook stylesheets (which are XSLT 1.0) with Saxon 9 HE,
which is an XSLT 2.0 processor.

However, when I run the pipeline from within oXygen, which embeds Saxon
EE, the DocBook stylesheets run quiet happily. Modifying oXygen's config
to force it to use HE causes the error to appear there as well.

My XSLT step looks like this:

<p:xslt name="assemble-docbook">
                <p:input port="stylesheet">
                <p:input port="parameters">
                <p:with-option name="version" select="1.0" />

I wonder if anyone could clarify whether a stock installation of
Calabash, with Saxon HE, can be cajoled into running the DocBook
stylesheets correctly. I've tried adding the '-X use-xslt-10' flag to
the command without any success.

I need to be able to run the pipeline from the shell (or maybe even on
the web) on boxes where I won't have a licence for Saxon EE.

I'm running Calabash 1.0.15 and Saxon HE.

Thanks in advance for any assistance.



Received on Monday, 2 December 2013 21:18:20 UTC