xsl:result-document -- why does XProc care?

Good morning,

So i'm writing an XRX webapp; wanting to be as standardsy as reasonably 
practical i decide to look at XProc for my build system -- and promptly run 
face-first into the XD0001 bug^H^H^Herror upon trying to write HTML5.

But before i wander over to see what Ant's been up to in the half-a-decade since 
i've looked at it, i was wondering if anyone would be willing to explain for a 
newbie the rationale behind that design decision.  If my XSLT2 transform 
produces as its primary output some nice xml -- or, as in my case, a simple 
Result Code 0 Everything's Cool WOO HOO -- to feed to the next step in the 
pipeline if any, it's not immediately obvious to me why it's any of XProc's 
business if various xsl:result-document tags want to emit HTML5, or unparsed 
Dothraki, or pseudorandom gibberish.  I understand that, according to XProc, 
"non-XML documents are considered out-of-scope", but this seems like a 
(unnecessarily?) severe restriction upon its usefulness.

(If i've missed a solution more elegant than the p:exec hackery i've seen here, 
like if Calabash has a -chill flag or something, i'd also be happy to hear it.)

TIA, --alex.

Received on Tuesday, 26 June 2012 11:58:55 UTC