Re: Non-primary port connection between non-contiguous steps


You're confusing the declaration of the steps and it's use

You first declare the step without giving any connection to other steps

And then you do you connection with

<srz:step1 name="exec_step_1"/>
<srz:step2 name="exec_step_2"/>
<srz:step3 name="exec_step_3">
  <p:input port="result_from_step1">
    <p:pipe port="result" step="exec_step_1"/>

Hope this helps


2012/6/5 Yves Forkl <>

> I have trouble setting up a pipeline of 3 steps which should connect
> roughly like this:
> pipeline input -> STEP 1 -> non-primary input to step 3
> external document -> STEP 2 -> primary input to step 3
> primary output from step 2 + output from step 1 -> STEP 3 -> multiple files
> Here is a sketch of the 3 step definitions I have come up with:
>  <p:declare-step name="step1" type="srz:step1">
>    <p:input port="source"/>
>    <p:output port="result" primary="false"/>
>    <!-- . . . -->
>  </p:declare-step>
>  <p:declare-step name="step2" type="srz:step2">
>    <p:input port="source" primary="false">
>      <p:document href="input_step2.xml"/>
>    </p:input>
>    <p:output port="result"/>
>    <!-- . . . -->
>  </p:declare-step>
>  <p:declare-step name="step3" type="srz:step3">
>    <p:input port="source" primary="true"/>
>    <p:input port="result_from_step1" primary="false">
>      <p:pipe step="step1" port="result"/>
>    </p:input>
>    <p:output port="result" sequence="true">
>      <p:pipe step="store-each" port="result"/>
>    </p:output>
>    <!-- . . . -->
>    <p:for-each name="store-each">
>      <p:variable name="position" select="p:iteration-position()" />
>      <p:store name="store"
>        omit-xml-declaration="false"
>        indent="false">
>        <p:with-option name="href"
>          select="concat('outputfile', $position, '.xml')"/>
>      </p:store>
>      <!-- . . . -->
>    </p:for-each>
>  </p:declare-step>
> When I try to run these steps sequentially in a pipeline, Calabash (V.
> complains about binding port result_from_step1 in step 3 saying:
> "Default input bindings cannot use p:pipe"
> It does not occur to me why binding that non-primary input port interferes
> with default input bindings.
> What am I missing? How can I achieve the desired flow of information?
> (If the code fragment above doesn't reveal my mistake to you in an obvious
> way, I could try to rework my real and more complex pipeline together with
> the data files into a complete test case.)
> Yves

Received on Tuesday, 5 June 2012 16:27:44 UTC