Shadowing of variables..

The recommendation says:
	"Variables are created in compound steps and, like XSLT variables,
are single assignment, though they may be shadowed by subsequent
declarations of other variables with the same name."

But doing this is not accepted by XMLCalabash:

	<p:variable name="myvar" select="1"/>
	<p:variable name="myvar" select="2"/>

Nor is:

	<p:variable name="myvar" select="1"/>
		<p:variable name="myvar" select="2"/>

Is XMLCalabash too strict here or should I read 'subsequent declarations'
in a different way?

Kind regards,

drs. G.P.H. (Geert) Josten
Senior Developer

Dayon B.V.
Delftechpark 37b
2628 XJ Delft

T +31 (0)88 26 82 570

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Received on Sunday, 27 November 2011 12:59:04 UTC