Re: Dynamically setting the text of an added element in a pipeline . . ?


 Just a general question. When UploadInGroups, the name of the for-loop is
the source pipe for the p:insert within the for-loop what is this doing?

       <p:input port="source">

        <p:pipe step=” UploadInGroups” port=”current”/>



<p:for-each name="UploadInGroups">

  <p:template name=”create-field”>

    <p:input port="template">


        <field name="iterationCount">$pos</field>



    <p:with-param name=”pos” select=”p:iteration-position()”/>


  <p:insert position="last-child" match="/add/doc" name="insertCounter">

      <p:input port="source">

        <p:pipe step=” UploadInGroups” port=”current”/>


      <p:input port="insertion">

        <p:pipe step=”create-field” port=”result”/>



    . . .




Received on Thursday, 10 March 2011 09:48:32 UTC