Re: File paths within jars

Disregard my last :)  We added a URI resolver for classpaths further 
down the line and its working fine.  Happy Holidays!

On 12/21/11 4:19 PM, Seth wrote:
> Hello All,
> New to the list. I would like to pass a path to a pipeline file that 
> is within a jar, like this:
> file:/Users/sbrayman/.m2/repository/com/rackspace/cloud/api/clouddocs-maven-plugin/1.0.9-SNAPSHOT/clouddocs-maven-plugin-1.0.9-SNAPSHOT.jar!/test.xpl 
> Which is generated by:
> String pathToPipelineFile = 
> this.getClass().getResource("/test.xpl").getPath().toString();
> However, I get a file not found exception. If I pass a path outside of 
> the jar it works fine, like the following:
> /Users/sbrayman/Documents/workspace/rc-maven-cloud-docs/src/main/resources/test.xpl 
> Just to be sure I also tried:
> file:///Users/sbrayman/.m2/repository/com/rackspace/cloud/api/clouddocs-maven-plugin/1.0.9-SNAPSHOT/clouddocs-maven-plugin-1.0.9-SNAPSHOT.jar!/test.xpl 
> file://Users/sbrayman/.m2/repository/com/rackspace/cloud/api/clouddocs-maven-plugin/1.0.9-SNAPSHOT/clouddocs-maven-plugin-1.0.9-SNAPSHOT.jar!/test.xpl 
> file:Users/sbrayman/.m2/repository/com/rackspace/cloud/api/clouddocs-maven-plugin/1.0.9-SNAPSHOT/clouddocs-maven-plugin-1.0.9-SNAPSHOT.jar!/test.xpl 
> /Users/sbrayman/.m2/repository/com/rackspace/cloud/api/clouddocs-maven-plugin/1.0.9-SNAPSHOT/clouddocs-maven-plugin-1.0.9-SNAPSHOT.jar!/test.xpl 
> Users/sbrayman/.m2/repository/com/rackspace/cloud/api/clouddocs-maven-plugin/1.0.9-SNAPSHOT/clouddocs-maven-plugin-1.0.9-SNAPSHOT.jar!/test.xpl 
> I was wondering if a path that references a file inside a jar is 
> supported?  Here is the full stack trace 
>  I am hoping someone has run into this 
> before
> Thanks much,
> Seth Brayman 

Received on Thursday, 22 December 2011 17:32:52 UTC