Re: Calabash: adding redundant namespaces to p:xslt ?


You can use the XProc @exlude-inline-prefix attribute on the parent  
p:declare-step or p:pipeline or p:inline.

This attribute is described in the spec in the p:inline element:

Hope this helps,

Le 16 sept. 10 à 01:01, Manfred Staudinger a écrit :

> Hi List,
> Recently I wanted to add a p:xslt step to my pipeline and first tested
> the stylesheet standalone. The input document has a c:file root with
> elements in a prefixed namespace mixed with those in no-namespace. The
> output should have the same root with some child elements in
> no-namespace, nothing difficult. The stylesheet starts with:
>   <xsl:stylesheet version="2.0"
>      xmlns:c=""
>      xmlns:dwf="DWF-Manifest:6.0"
>      exclude-result-prefixes="dwf"
>      xmlns:xsl="">
> When I added the transformation to my pipeline, I found the output had
> changed. Every child element had added three namespace declarations to
> it:
>      xmlns:cx=""
>      xmlns:dwfx=""
>      xmlns:xs=""
> which are declared on the pipeline root element (p:declare-step) but
> not on the stylesheet nor its input document. To get rid of this
> annoyance I had to specify
>      exclude-result-prefixes="dwf cx dwfx xs"
> but this makes the stylesheet invalid outside the xproc:
>      XTSE0808: Namespace prefix cx has not been declared
> Is there a better way to handle this or to avoid the implicit
> declaration of those namespaces altogether? (Using Calabash 0.9.22)
> Thanks in advance,
> Manfred

Received on Thursday, 16 September 2010 06:46:16 UTC