[ANN] EMC XProc Engine (Calumet) 1.0.12 released

EMC XProc Engine (Calumet) 1.0.12 has just been released:


Version 1.0.12 is a maintenance release that fixes various issues
reported by users and introduces a number of performance enhancements.
The oXygen XML Editor integration has been updated for oXygen 12 and
supports using extension plug-ins (Saxon, xDB, etc.) now. Of note is
also the inclusion of a simple Javadoc-inspired XProc API documentation
generator (implemented in XProc and XSLT).

Changes in version 1.0.12:
  * Performance enhancements
  * Added support for <p:document href=""/>
  * Added XProc API documentation generator example 
  * oXygen XML Editor integration updated for oXygen version 12; support
for custom plug-ins added 
  * Fixed problems with p:use-when attributes on extension steps
  * Fixed incorrect propagation of variables in recursive pipeline calls
  * Fixed p:insert for the case when the matched element has no children
and position=last-child
  * Fixed support for the case when p:choose or p:try branches declare
an output port with a different sequence property
  * Fixed problems with missing document base URI information after
applying some standard steps  
  * Fixed handling of XSLT match patterns that start with '//'
  * Fixed default namespace processing in p:unescape-markup
  * Fixed: p:xslt now accepts an empty sequence of input documents
  * Fixed memory issues with p:validate-with-xml-schema due to buffering
of error messages

Download page: https://community.emc.com/docs/DOC-4242
XProc test suite results for version 1.0.12:

Vojtech Toman
Consultant Software Engineer
EMC | Information Intelligence Group

Received on Tuesday, 26 October 2010 13:10:33 UTC