Re: XProc Calabash: binding the xslt secondary output port

Manfred Staudinger <> writes:
>    <p:identity>
>       <p:input port="source">
>          <p:pipe step="section_3" port="result"/>
>          <p:pipe step="tr5-inst-nav" port="secondary"/><!-- ??? -->
>       </p:input>
>    </p:identity>
>    <p:xslt name="tr6-xforms-nav">
>       <p:with-param name="rel-path" select="$rel-path"/>

Because you didn't specify an explicit binding for the context for this
with-param, XProc uses the default readable port. In this case, the DRP
is a sequence of more than one document, so that's an error.


    <p:with-param name="rel-path" select="$rel-path">

                                        Be seeing you,

Norman Walsh
Lead Engineer
MarkLogic Corporation

Received on Thursday, 25 November 2010 12:32:19 UTC