Re: Calabash: cache the compiled pipeline

Op 18-11-2010 11:39, Florent Georges schreef:
> On 17 November 2010 13:12, Edwin de Jong wrote:
>> I chose a wrapper class, wrapping com.xmlcalabash.core.XProcRuntime,
>> adding references to the cached pipelines (XPipeline
>> objects).
>    I don't quite understand.  XPipeline is the object you set the
> input on, and you read the output from (besides passing options
> to, etc.)  How can you cache such objects?  How do you reset
> them? (e.g. when you have to set some input ports)
Perhaps my explanation was a bit pithy. Before reusing a pipeline, I 
call pipeline.reset() and pipeline.clearInputs("source"). Then the 
pipeline is back to its original state and can be used for another 
request. pipeline.reset() is recursively applied to all referenced 


Edwin de Jong

Met vriendelijke groet,

Edwin de Jong

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Received on Thursday, 18 November 2010 11:05:00 UTC