[ANN] EMC XProc Engine (Calumet) 1.0.10 released

I am happy to announce the availability of EMC XProc Engine (Calumet)
1.0.10. The primary focus for the 1.0.10 release is compatibility with
the latest version of the XProc specification (Proposed Recommendation 9
March 2010). In addition to that, the 1.0.10 release contains a number
of new features and APIs, as well as fixes to bugs found in the previous

Changes in version 1.0.10:
  * Implements XProc Proposed Recommendation 9 March 2010
  * Upgraded to Java 6 (Java 5 no longer supported)
  * xml-apis.jar and ICU4J.jar no longer used
  * Added Apache XML Commons Resolver plug-in for XML catalog support
  * Added <oXygen/> XML Editor integration example
  * New XProc features: conditional inclusions (use-when) and
forwards-compatible mode
  * New XPath extension function p:value-available() implemented
  * p:output not allowed in invocations of atomic steps
  * Implicit output ports are not created for pipelines (p:pipeline,
  * When storing to file system, missing directories are created
  * Fixed handling of re-entrant and circular imports
  * Improved p:xquery step (default collection, in-scope namespace
  * Introduced AbstractResolverHandler, AbstractWriterHandler,
AbstractResourceMapper, and AbstractSecurityHandler classes
  * Added a new ResourceMapper API for dynamic resource resolution
  * Added the XProcUtil interface providing miscellaneous XProc-related
convenience methods
  * Added support for local ID-based document bindings (<p:document
  * Fixed issues with p:viewport and p:for-each related to processing
results of the subpipeline
  * Fix: Base URI of an inline document is the base URI of the p:inline
  * Support for the "encoding" attribute on p:data
  * p:http-request improvements
  * Output of p:log no longer registered as an external output URI (in
  * User Guide updated

See: https://community.emc.com/community/edn/xmltech
Download page: https://community.emc.com/docs/DOC-4242
XProc test suite results for version:


Vojtech Toman
Principal Software Engineer
EMC Corporation / X-Hive

Received on Tuesday, 16 March 2010 16:42:00 UTC