Re: Using full paths in Calabash p:store

It's an irritating problem. We've run into the same problem in our 
internal proprietary pipelining system - soon to be enhanced w/xproc 
support I hope :). We've had to introduce special rules for handling a 
few URI-prohibited characters that occur often in filesystem paths and 
HTTP URLs - space is the main culprit, but other prohibited characters 
do appear from time to time (a lot of the punctuation characters are 
forbidden from occurring in URIs, either because they are used to 
delimit URI components or for other more obscurely pedantic reasons).  
Our approach has been to URI-encode spaces internally and to provide a 
utility that URI-encodes URI-forbidden characters *except* for "/" and 
":", but we require the user to call such a function explicitly (just in 
case they want to pass in more exotic URIs such as those containing 
usernames and passwords).  I'm not sure this is ideal, but it seems to 
be working OK in our practice.


On 4/22/2010 2:48 PM, Norman Walsh wrote:
> "HILLMAN, Tomos"<>  writes:
>> Is this an issue in how Calabash treats windows URIs, or is there a
>> way I should be escaping URIs with spaces in them?
> Good question.<delete>random rant about spaces in filenames and URIs</delete>
> I don't see an easy way to encode the spaces without encoding the slashes.
> Perhaps XML Calabash should be more forgiving in this case...
>                                          Be seeing you,
>                                            norm

Received on Thursday, 22 April 2010 19:02:44 UTC