Re: [xml-dev] Serialization of XDM - Use cases / Proposal

I am reading this the same way as you.  The use of the <doc> element and 
reference to an external entity are used as a way to describe
that the elements are simply text concatenated.
Atleast thats how I read it.  

Jim Tivy wrote:
> Yes, from I think my 
> use case is handled by producing a serialization of an "external 
> general parsed entity" which can have (element)* in a form such as:
> <div>
> </div>
> <div>
> </div>
> There is some confusing text, however in 5. XML Output Method where it 
> describes the "reconstructed tree" as different from the result tree:
> "if the document was produced by adding a document wrapper, as 
> described above, then it will contain an extra |doc| element as the 
> document element."
> I did not see in the spec where adding a <doc> tag was part of 
> serialization - rather it was just shown as a way of describing the 
> use of an external general parsed entity.
> Jim
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> *From:* David A. Lee []
> *Sent:* Friday, September 18, 2009 6:21 PM
> *To:* Jim Tivy
> *Cc:*; 'XProc Dev'
> *Subject:* Re: [xml-dev] Serialization of XDM - Use cases / Proposal
> This spec describes concatenation of node sequences such that they are 
> parseable as entities.
> In the case you describe I think that fits well.
> Atleast in my reading
>     *5 XML Output Method*
> This describes serializing a sequence of nodes.  I think this spec 
> would fit for your use case.
> Atleast that is my read, I admit I have a hard time following the 
> reading of this spec (not to blame the authors, I just have a hard 
> time understanding it all)
> David A. Lee
> <>  
> 812-482-5224
> Jim Tivy wrote:
> David
> I do not see in this spec where it defines the serialization of a sequence.
> I was not talking about concatenating "nodes" but rather concatenation of
> text from a sequence after it was serialized.
> Jim
> -----Original Message-----
> From: David A. Lee [] 
> Sent: Friday, September 18, 2009 4:46 PM
> To: Jim Tivy
> Cc: <>; 'XProc Dev'
> Subject: Re: [xml-dev] Serialization of XDM - Use cases / Proposal
> This is a case, if I'm reading it properly, where the current XDM 
> Serializaiton spec may serve perfectly.
> That would concatenate the result nodes such that it is serialized 
> equivalently to an external entity.
> David A. Lee
> <>  
> 812-482-5224
> Jim Tivy wrote:
>> Here is a better description of the use case I have:
>> There are a number "templating" technologies in use for defining web
> pages;
>> for example PHP, ASP and JSP.  These templating languages have been very
>> successful.  When these templates "execute", they produce an HTML page as
> an
>> HTTP response.  These templating technologies allow you to mix html tags
>> with program logic to create web pages dynamically.  These templating
>> languages, as a rule, are text based in that they define a page by
>> concatenating HTML chunks of text together.  For example, in a JSP file,
>> sometimes these HTML chunks are literal text and other times they are
>> calculated and "injected inline" into the output - always as text.
>> It should be possible to inject an XDM text serialization (a sequence of
>> <div> tags and children, for instance) as returned by
>> getPipelineSerialization () call in this simple JSP page shown below: 
>> <html>
>>    <body>
>>       <% out.write(getPipelineSerialization("mypipeline")); %>
>>    </body>
>> </html>
>> examples of jsps:
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: Jim Tivy [] 
>> Sent: Friday, September 18, 2009 3:12 PM
>> To: 'David A. Lee'
>> Cc: <>; <>; 'XProc Dev'
>> Subject: RE: [xml-dev] Serialization of XDM - Use cases / Proposal
>> Hi David
>> We use XDM serialization - for a simple sequence.  We have a pipeline that
>> we execute and the last node is XPath /html/body/* of an upstream html
>> document - we call it html core output.  We use this in JSP (java server
>> pages) code where we wish to establish the css files and meta tags but
> serve
>> up the html content from the pipeline.
>> If you like I can write this up in your wiki.
>> Jim
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: David A. Lee [] 
>> Sent: Friday, September 18, 2009 2:07 PM
>> Cc: <>; <>; XProc Dev
>> Subject: Re: [xml-dev] Serialization of XDM - Use cases / Proposal
>> I have created a first pass at documenting the problem of XDM 
>> Serialization and created some use cases.
>> I would love any feedback or comments.  This is on a new wiki I created 
>> for this purpose.  If you would like to comment directly on the wiki 
>> please reply to me and I will give you the invite code (due to the sad 
>> state of affairs anonymous comments and editing are disabled due to 
>> wiki-spam-bots.  I've found spam within 5 minutes of opening a public 
>> wiki ... <sigh> )
>> I have NOT included a proposal for a format yet, I'd like to discuss the 
>> intent and use cases first before putting up a straw-man proposal.
>> Thank you for any contribution !
>> I've CC'd this to xproc-dev because one of the use cases if for 
>> developers and integrators with XML Pipeline processors such as XProc
>> David A. Lee
>> <>  
>> 812-482-5224
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Received on Saturday, 19 September 2009 18:15:42 UTC