Calabash: configuration API


  As I said in a previous email, I am adding EXPath Packaging
support to Calabash.  This is of course still experimental, as
the specification itself is still in development (but I hope to
release a first draft very soon.)

  For now, I have added support for RNG, RNC, Schematron, XQuery,
XSD and XSLT (XSD is only supported for Xerces for now, not for
Saxon SA.)  XSLT and XQuery support reuses my prototype of the
packaging system for Saxon, so it supports plain standard
stylesheets and queries, as well as extension functions written
in Java.

  Of course, that required several changes to Calabash itself.  I
tried to make less changes as possible in the Calabash code, and
tried not to make any of those changes directly related to
EXPath.  Actually I tried to add kind of a simple, low-level,
ad-hoc configuration API to Calabash, everything related to
EXPath being part of a separate project, plugged in using this
simple API.

  In a few words, the XProcRuntime object has a factory object
(XProcConfigurer) which gives per-product configurer objects:
JaxpConfigurer, JingConfigurer, SaxonConfigurer and
CalabashConfigurer.  This factory can be set from the outside.
A default implementation of those classes has be added to the
Calabash code too.  See the UML sketch at:

  Besides those new interfaces and classes, a few classes in
Calabash have been changed.  XProcRuntime of course, to keep such
a factory object, but also some step implementations.  For
instance, the library/XSLT class has been changed to configure
the Saxon's Configuration object with the configurers set on the
runtime object.

  p:data and p:document also can be configured to look in the
EXPath repository, if they have an extension attribute @pkg:kind
(which can be rng, rnc, xsd, xslt, etc.)  For instance, for a
p:xslt step, you can either pass the stylesheet as:

    <p:input port="stylesheet">
          <xsl:stylesheet version="2.0">
             <xsl:include href="http://.../style.xsl"/>

or as (which integrate better with XProc IMHO):

    <p:input port="stylesheet">
       <p:document href="http://.../style.xsl" pkg:kind="xslt"/>

  In, you will find the
list of modified and added files, that is the output of "svn
status" (calabash-changes.status), the whole diff of the changes,
that is the output of "svn diff" (calabash-changes.diff), all the
modified files ( and all the new files,
that is the configurer interfaces and their default implems
(  The JAR files are the implementation of the
EXPath Packaging System based on those changes.

  Norm, are you interested in integrating those changes into
Calabash?  Or anything similar allowing user (or library) code to
configure individual components used by Calabash to implement
individual step?  Of course the same idea could be extended to
configure, say, the Apache HTTP Client object used to implement
p:http-request, for instance.

  Sorry for this long email, and of course do not hesitate if you
have any question.


Florent Georges

Received on Saturday, 31 October 2009 22:47:59 UTC