Re: xproc as an alternative to Apache ant

>From a cursory inspection, I see a few possibilities for importing
sets of options in xproc.

Most conveniently, the proposed configuration schema, which appears to
be able to set options. ( I like
this the best if it becomes widely implemented.  Does calabash use it

Second, you can define a set of name/value pairs in an external XML
document, and then use it to set variables:

<p:declare-step xmlns:p=""
xmlns:wxp=""  name="pipeline">
    <p:input port="source" primary="true" sequence="true">
    <p:input port="variables" sequence="true">
                <wxp:variable name="new-name" value="hello"/>
    <p:output port="result" primary="true" sequence="true"/>

    <p:variable name="new-name"
select="(//wxp:variable[@name='new-name']/@value, 'goodbye')[1]">
        <p:pipe port="variables" step="pipeline"/>

    <p:rename match="/*">
        <p:with-option name="new-name" select="$new-name"/>


Note that I've used a sequence to define a default value for
$new-name. You could adapt the above to use a parameter input port if
you wanted.

There might be a more elegant way to do it, but I don't see it at the
moment.  Anybody want to give their 2 cents?  Would xi:including a
bunch of p:options into the pipeline work?


On Sun, May 24, 2009 at 8:24 AM, Dave Pawson <> wrote:
> 2009/5/24 Norman Walsh <>:
>> Dave Pawson <> writes:
>>> Just my thoughts. I'd appreciate yours.
>> My immediate thoughts, posted as a comment:
>>  XProc absolutely supports runtime options that can act like
>>  properties and variables in ant and bash.
> As per xslt params/variables? So I could import them
> from an external file and use them?
> You can, with an
>>  (existing) extension step generate a pipeline and then evaluate it,
>>  but I really think you're making the whole process way more
>>  complicated than it needs to be. I will (hopefully this weekend)
>>  take a closer look at your ant setup and derive an equivalent XProc
>>  pipeline.
> Possibly. If xproc is 'smarter' then great, I'm willing to learn.
>>  There's already a p:exec step in XProc 1.0, so I don't think that's
>>  exactly out of scope.
> So I could run the Python script and obtain the exit code,
> hence terminate on failure?
>>  I don't think it would be unreasonable for p:http-request to
>>  support FTP uploading, though I haven't tried to make that work in
>>  XML Calabash. I'll put it on the list.
> Is that twisting http a bit?
> p:ftp seems a better name?
>>  I also don't see any problem with a px:zip step, though I'd want to
>>  think carefully about how it should work. Ideally it would allow you
>>  to both create new archives as well as update existing archives.
> The ant zip task seems pretty comprehensive to me?
>>  I remain convinced that most of what you want to do is right in
>>  XProc's sweet spot. The parts that aren't are also entirely
>>  reasonable, with a few extensions.
> Glad to have an experts view. Agreed the task may change
> when brought over to xproc.
>>  I don't mind using extensions. That will help the community learn
>>  what additional steps should be in the standard. That strikes
>>  me as better than trying to put the kitchen sink in V1.0.
> +1, as per exslt.
> regards
> --
> Dave Pawson
> Docbook FAQ.

Received on Sunday, 24 May 2009 22:10:38 UTC