Cannot see how test insert-005 can pass...

Looking at XProc Test Suite test insert-005, I cannot see how it would
ever pass.


At present it looks like this:

<?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl" href="/style/testcase.xsl"?>
<t:test xmlns:t=""

<t:title>Test input-005</t:title>

<t:description xmlns="">
  <p>Tests the usage of a sequence in source input port.</p>

<t:input port='source'>
<?pi test?>
<p>This is a p.</p>

	 <p:declare-step name="pipeline"

	<p:input port="source" sequence="true"/>
	<p:output port="result" sequence="true"/>

	   <p:identity name="step1">
	        <p:input port="source">


<t:output port='result'>


I don't think the 'result' output should have the root elements
wrapped in t:document elements, unless there's some test functionality
that I'm not aware of.

it should look like this:

<t:output port='result'>

Then it would be in-line its sibling tests input-001 to input-004.


Philip Fennell

Received on Wednesday, 18 March 2009 01:20:34 UTC