Re: Calabash: Java API

2009/7/21 David A. Lee wrote:

> The core calabash code uses Saxon S9 TinyTree documents for in
> and out which you can create using about any kind of standard
> input including JAXP using the Saxon S9 API.

  Yes, we can get the result as XDM with, and
that's what Calabash does in its main driver.  WritableDocument
is used, if I am correct, as a bridge between Calabash and Saxon
by configuring the Saxon Serializer with the serialization
options from Calabash:

    // the serialization options for the 'result' port
    Serialization serial = pipeline.getSerialization("result");

    // the destination URI and the writable document helper
    String uri = "...";
    WritableDocument wd = new WritableDocument(runtime, uri, serial);

    // the 'result' port
    ReadablePipe rpipe = pipeline.readFrom("result");

    // looping over its documents
    while ( rpipe.moreDocuments() ) {
        XdmNode result =;

  So WritableDocument encapsulates the Saxon serializer and its
option settings.  But the only way, if I am right, to set the
actual destination is by giving a URI.  Why not allowing a File,
an OutputStream or a Writer, as in an s9api's Serializer.

  Besides a String standing for a URI seems quite fragile
regarding a File object, while it will always use the file

  At least, that's how I understand the code after a first look.
The conclusion I came to is to duplicate most of the code of
WritableDocument.write(), which translates the serialization
options from Calabash to Saxon, in order to be able to use
directly a Saxon's Serializer...


Florent Georges

Received on Wednesday, 22 July 2009 09:11:44 UTC