Re: p:xslt step contains doc() and doc-available() with variable uri's


> On Sat, Dec 26, 2009 at 9:14 PM, Manfred Staudinger
> <> wrote:
>> I would like to integrate more xslt into my pipeline and I'm looking
>> for examples and/or advice. This time the xslt has a variable number
>> of doc() (and/or doc-available()) functions with program generated
>> uri's depending on the input.
>> If I understood it correctly, those "secondary" input documents should
>> appear on the primary p:input port="source" _after_ the primary input
>> document. But I don't know yet, how to associate a given uri with a
>> specific member from the primary input port sequence. Also, what do
>> you recommend to load this sequence?
>> As there might be more than one solution to this, I should add that I
>> can adapt not only the xslt but also the input documents and theire
>> uri's to get the best possible solution. However, after having made
>> those adaptions, it should still be possible to execute the same xslt
>> in "stand-alone" mode for testing purposes.

On 27/12/2009, mozer <> answered:
> The fact is that we decided that those "secondary" input documents are
> out of scope of XProc
> It means it might be *implementation dependent* for an implementation
> to provide some behaviour

Thanks for that, mozer.
I had a look into Calabash's documented extension steps and found
- so that seems the way to go! Does anyone on the list have an example
how to use it properly?



Received on Sunday, 27 December 2009 22:04:33 UTC