RE: data in p:for-each


The problem is that p:data can't take XPath expressions as the value of
the href attribute. This is because p:data is not a step, and href
therefore isn't an option, but just an ordinary XML attribute. That
means that you can't parametrize p:data based on an option or a

XProc has only limited support for dealing with binary data. The problem
you have is primarily because there is no real step equivalent to
p:data, something like p:load is to p:document. The closest thing that
comes close to this is p:http-request, but that one is not required to
support the file: URI scheme.

I am not sure whether Calabash supports the file: URI scheme in
p:http-request, but you can give it a try. If it does not work, I am
afraid the only option is to write a custom step.


Received on Tuesday, 1 December 2009 08:51:42 UTC