Re: How does a processor get selected?

Nothing in XProc specifies this
So it is definitely up to the implementation to provide such facility

In case the implementation provide such facility, then it will be
implementation defined to allow changing this

For you information, I think that Calabash IS using saxon



On Wed, Sep 17, 2008 at 2:11 PM, James Garriss <> wrote:

>  Suppose I'm using Calabash, and it has its own XSLT processor (engine).
>  Suppose I later decide I want to use a different XSLT processor, like
> Saxon.  Does XProc itself allow me to select which processor to use?  Or is
> that implementation defined?  Or is that even an option?
> TIA,
> James Garriss

Received on Wednesday, 17 September 2008 17:19:04 UTC