- From: Norman Walsh <ndw@nwalsh.com>
- Date: Sun, 09 Nov 2008 17:34:15 -0500
- To: XProc Dev <xproc-dev@w3.org>
- Message-ID: <m2ej1kr0k8.fsf@nwalsh.com>
I'm pleased to annouce that Calabash 0.8.6 has been released. http://xmlcalabash.com/ Recent changes: * Attempt to handle Windows-style path names on the command line * Allow import to import future versions of the XProc library * Catch err:XS0051 * Attempt to support --entity-resolver and --uri-resolver hooks. Entity resolvers do not currently work. * Update the XPath static context locally, instead of globally, so that extension functions are only available where we want them to be available * Support c:data and content types and charsets * Don't make the extension functions available inside steps * In p:namespace-rename, rename attribute namespaces * In p:directory-list, make path absolute relative to base URI, support file: URI scheme where possible * In p:add-attribute, don't allow attribute named 'xmlns' to be added. Attributes of the form xmlns:x can't be added because they get caught by an earlier, different error * Detect missing required options on top-level pipelines * Fix bugs, report correct error codes, check for more static errors * Fix bugs in p:import * In ml:insert-document, make sure we encode in UTF-8 * Make the 'phonehome is taking too long' message a warning so that is more likely to get printed * Cleanup unzip: @zip becomes @href, @name becomes @file; make the code actually work Be seeing you, norm -- Norman Walsh <ndw@nwalsh.com> | An ill-humoured man is a prisoner at http://nwalsh.com/ | the mercy of an enemy from whom he can | never escape.-- Sa'di
Received on Sunday, 9 November 2008 22:35:00 UTC