- From: Erik Wilde <net.dret@dret.net>
- Date: Tue, 10 Feb 2004 07:04:54 -0500 (EST)
- To: xmlp-comments@w3.org
hello. after reading through the xop draft, i have three comments to make: - in section 4.1 (creating xop packages) shouldn't it be left to an implementation to decide whether creating a part is worth the effort? as i understand them, the current rules specify that every base64Binary node must be optimized, which can increase rather than decrease message size for small binary parts. - when designing xml schemas, i usually avoid using xml schema built-in types and create a layer of my own simple types, which then are used in instances. i do this to be able to restrict all simple types, for example with length facets. wouldn't it be desirable to be able to optimize base64Binary and restricted subtypes, rather than base64Binary only? as i currently understand xop, my xml instances would not be optimized at all, because they use types derived from base64Binary. or would this be a requirement for my own type augmentation software, to generate the appropriate type information so that xop optimization works for base64Binary and derived subtypes? - just out of curiosity: what happens with whitespace in base64Binary data? as i understand it, canonical base64Binary data may not contain any whitespace. is this intentional, because i think that many base64Binary does contain the linefeed characters required by rfc 2045. whitespace certainly would disappear in xop, and as i understand it, it cannot be reconstructed in the reconstituted dm. not that i think this would be a requirement, but i think this whole issue of whitespace in base64Binary data should be mentioned in the document. in replies to this message, please include my address explicitly, if possible. thanks and kind regards, erik wilde - tel:+41-1-6325132 - fax:+41-1-6321035 mailto:net.dret@dret.net - http://dret.net/netdret computer engineering and networks laboratory (tik) swiss federal institute of technology, zurich (ethz)
Received on Tuesday, 10 February 2004 10:22:23 UTC