SOAP 1.2 Pt.1 feedback - Table 3 almost inpenetrable

Regarding the SOAP 1.2 Part 1 specification at

Table 3 is confusing and hard to understand.

(Try to pretend you (readers of this comment) don't already know SOAP,
and then try to interpret the table.)

The "Assumed" column is ambiguous, seeming to refer to assuming in the
sense of assuminng to be the case (as opposed to the apparently intended
meaning of assuming in the sense of taking on a role).

Additionally, at least with the current column labeling, it isn't clear
whether the "Assumed" column is an "output" (a function of earlier
columns) or is an "input."  (Yes, one can eventually figure it out, but
it can take a while.)

The paragraph mentioning the table should specify briefly (a sentence
or so) the relationship between the cells in a row.

Perhaps something _very_ roughly like:

    For each type of role, the table shows whether a node can or can't
    assume that type of role, and, for each possible case, whether
    header blocks are processed and whether they are forwarded.

would work.


Received on Tuesday, 9 September 2003 10:40:32 UTC