Re: Issue 434 Closed

David, there is lot that could be said about some of your arguments 
below. However, I too don't want to delay publication, and so will 
refrain from doing so. I don't want to spoil the pleasure of going to REC.

In the interest of everyone, please consider that I do accept the WG's 
desire to publish the spec as is.

May I take this opportunity to thank you for having lead us through 
these 3+ years with great success, thanks to your patience, leadership 
and dedication?

Thank you,


David Fallside wrote:

> For the purposes of yesterday's WG decision, "status quo" means the
> text of the documents as they exist today, not how they might exist
> given another implementation of issue 103's resolution. Hence, we
> will not change the text of the documents based on the yesterday's
> decision. If you wish to wish to raise "improper execution of the
> resolution to issue 103" as an issue after Recommendation, please do
> so and we will consider it for an errata. At this time, the gate has
> closed on any new issues against SOAP 1.2.
> Thank you.
> David Fallside
> Chair XMLP WG
> ............................................
> David C. Fallside, IBM
> Ext Ph: 530.477.7169
> Int  Ph: 544.9665
> |---------+---------------------------------->
> |         |           "Jean-Jacques Moreau"  |
> |         |           <jean-jacques.moreau@cr|
> |         | >            |
> |         |           Sent by:               |
> |         |           xmlp-comments-request@w|
> |         |                   |
> |         |                                  |
> |         |                                  |
> |         |           06/19/2003 02:04 AM    |
> |---------+---------------------------------->
>   >--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|
>   |                                                                                                                          |
>   |       To:       Martin Gudgin <>                                                                    |
>   |       cc:, Herve Ruellan <>, David Fallside/Santa Teresa/IBM@IBMUS, |
>   |        Noah Mendelsohn/Cambridge/IBM <>                                                        |
>   |       Subject:  Re: Issue 434 Closed                                                                                     |
>   >--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|
> I'm sorry but I think this is the wrong argument. Unless the WG has
> recently changed its mind about the resolution to issue 103, which I
> don't think it has, and I certainly have seen no record of it, the
> status quo is NOT what you are proposing, it is to stick with the
> resolution to issue 103.
> I don't want to be overly difficult, we may not want to reimplement the
> full resolution to issue 103, but at least we should be clear about it.
> Thank you,
> Jean-Jacques.
> Martin Gudgin wrote:
>>You raised an issue, number 434[1] against SOAP 1.2 PR. The working
>>group discussed the issue and decided to close it with no action partly
>>due to being very late in the process but mainly because there was no
>>desire amongst the WG to change the status quo.
>>I hope this resolution is satisfactory to you. If not, please let the
>>Working Group know ASAP.
>>Martin Gudgin
>>For the XMLP Working Group

Received on Friday, 20 June 2003 10:39:44 UTC