Comments for CR-soap12-part2-20021219


These are minor editorial comments for your "SOAP Version 1.2 Part 2:
Adjuncts" Candidate Recommendation [1].

In the Abstract, s/Part1/Part 1/

Words in the TOC and headings can be capitalized evenly. For example,
3.1.2 Encoding Simple Values, and C.1 Validating Using the Minimum

Depending on timing this can be XML 1.1 as I imagine is well known.
You could have XML 1.1 as a reference marked "work in progress."
     Note that certain Unicode characters cannot be represented in XML
     (see [XML 1.0]).

Somewhere in 3 and 4, "Remote Procedure Calls (RPC)" should appear.
(Right now the full name and initialism are separated.)

This sentence is too long:

     Conventions for specific URI encodings of procedure names and
     arguments, as well as for controlling the inclusion of such
     arguments in the SOAP RPC body could be established in conjunction
     with the development of Web Service interface description
     languages, could be developed when SOAP is bound to particular
     programming languages, or could be established on an application or
     procedure-specific basis.

It could be something like:

     Conventions for specific URI encodings of procedure names and
     arguments, as well as for controlling the inclusion of such
     arguments in the SOAP RPC body could be established in conjunction
     with the development of Web Service interface description
     languages. They could be developed when SOAP is bound to particular
     programming languages. They could be established on an application
     or procedure-specific basis.

s/does NOT support/does <strong>not</strong> support/
s/meta-data/metadata/ (I think)
s/XML Schema type/XML schema type/
s/HTTP Status Codes/HTTP status codes/
s/STRONGLY RECOMMENDED/<strong>strongly</strong> RECOMMENDED/
s/Unicode Scalar Values/Unicode scalar values/

"See" should be a
reference something like [CHARMOD] with a note that it is "work in
progress." The Unicode Standard Annex #15 "Unicode Normalization Forms"
( could also be a
reference. The rules for citing Unicode are near the bottom here:

In the first occurrence say "Normalization Form C (NFC)" if you are
going to abbreviate it.


Best wishes for your project,
Susan Lesch                tel:+1.858.483.4819
World Wide Web Consortium (W3C)

Received on Monday, 27 January 2003 00:35:36 UTC