Re: FYI: SQL/XML changing Unicode escape sequence algorithm

Jim, thank you for the update. I am forwarding this news to the XMLP WG for
listing as a new issue, i.e. shall we update SOAP 1.2 to reflect the

David C. Fallside, IBM
Ext Ph: 530.477.7169
Int  Ph: 544.9665

|         |           Jim Melton       |
|         |           <jim.melton@acm.o|
|         |           rg>              |
|         |                            |
|         |           01/16/2003 07:56 |
|         |           PM               |
|         |                            |
  |                                                                                                                             |
  |       To:       David Fallside/Santa Teresa/IBM@IBMUS                                                                       |
  |       cc:                                                                                         |
  |       Subject:  FYI: SQL/XML changing Unicode escape sequence algorithm                                                     |
  |                                                                                                                             |


I was given an action item by the group developing the SQL/XML
specification to inform the XML Protocol Working Group of a change being
made to the SQL/XML document.

We are aware that the XML Protocol WG, of which you are the chair, is using

SQL/XML's "escape sequence" algorithm in your specifications.  We also
believe that your use of that algorithm is by copy and not by reference, so

we think that it is incumbent on us to notify you if we change our
algorithm so that you can consider whether or not to change yours
correspondingly.  Please circulate this to your Working Group as you feel

The change that we have made is fairly simple, in fact.  As you will
recall, we represent Unicode characters from the Basic Multilingual Plane
(BMP) either as their native character or as an escape sequence of the form

"_xXXXX_", where "XXXX" represents exactly four hexadecimal digits
(hexits).  Unicode characters not on the BMP were formerly represented by
an escape sequence of the form "_xXXXXXXXX_", using exactly eight hexits.

In order to better align with the Unicode Consortium's requirements and
recommendations, we have agreed to change the non-BMP escape sequence to
use exactly *six* hexits instead of eight: _xXXXXXX_

If you would like more information about this change, you might be
interested to read the paper that proposes this change.  You can find it

Feel free to contact me with questions you might have about this change.

Best regards,
Jim Melton --- Editor of ISO/IEC 9075-* (SQL)     Phone: +1.801.942.0144
Oracle Corporation            Oracle Email:
1930 Viscounti Drive          Standards email:
Sandy, UT 84093-1063              Personal email:
USA                                                Fax : +1.801.942.3345
=  Facts are facts.  However, any opinions expressed are the opinions  =
=  only of myself and may or may not reflect the opinions of anybody   =
=  else with whom I may or may not have discussed the issues at hand.  =

Received on Friday, 17 January 2003 15:26:12 UTC