XMLP WG resolves Issue 306

The XML Protocol WG has decided to resolve issue 306 [1] which you
originated in the following manner.

The Appendix titled "Mapping Application Defined Names to XML Names" will
be referenced from the appropriate sections of the SOAP 1.2 Part 2 spec
that describes the RPC Representation (probably sections 4.2.1 and 4.2.2),
and the mandate for using the mapping will be "SHOULD". More exact wording
can be found in [2] (although this will be modified slightly to accomodate
at least one other issue resolution).

We trust this resolution satisfies your concerns, if not, please contact
the XMLP WG asap.
Thank you

[1] http://www.w3.org/2000/xp/Group/xmlp-lc-issues#x306
[2] http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/xml-dist-app/2002Sep/0054.html
David C. Fallside, IBM
Ext Ph: 530.477.7169
Int  Ph: 544.9665

Received on Thursday, 26 September 2002 17:21:19 UTC