Resolution to XML Protocols Last Call Issue 361


In the email at [1] you raised on behalf of the XForms working group a set
of issues, several of which the XML Protocols Workgroup identified
collectively as it's last call issue number 361 [2].  This note represents
the official response of the XML Protocols workgroup to your request.

The specific requests that we included in this issue, and their resolution

>> j) [Part2 2.3 Values]
>> We agree with the editorial note which suggests removing "generics".

The workgroup has decided to accept your suggestion and remove generics
from the design.  The only compound values supported will be arrays and

>> k) [Part2 itemType Attribute
>> Information Item] Please change the
>> name of this to "childItemType".

The members of the XML protocol workgroup have decided that itemType is on
balance a better name, and have therefore decided not to adopt your
suggestion in this area.

We hope that you find these resolutions acceptable.  If not, please inform
us as soon as possible.  Thank you very much.



Noah Mendelsohn                              Voice: 1-617-693-4036
IBM Corporation                                Fax: 1-617-693-8676
One Rogers Street
Cambridge, MA 02142

Received on Thursday, 19 September 2002 22:10:03 UTC