Re: Issue 103 closed: Precisely describe message path semantics

As originator of Issue 103, I hereby signal my satisfaction with this 
resolution.  Thank you.

Noah Mendelsohn                              Voice: 1-617-693-4036
IBM Corporation                                Fax: 1-617-693-8676
One Rogers Street
Cambridge, MA 02142

John Ibbotson@IBMGB
03/04/2002 05:01 AM

        cc:     Noah Mendelsohn/Cambridge/IBM
        Subject:        Issue 103 closed: Precisely describe message path semantics

The SOAP WG has decided to close issue 103 [1] with the following 

The introductory paragraphs of section 2 in [2] will be rewritten as:

SOAP provides a distributed processing model that assumes that a SOAP
message originates at an initial SOAP sender and is sent to an ultimate
SOAP receiver via zero or more SOAP intermediaries.

The SOAP distributed processing model can support many message exchange
patterns including but not limited to one-way messages, request/response
interactions, and peer-to-peer conversations.

This section defines the SOAP distributed processing model. Section 5
defines a framework for describing how message exchange patterns as well
as additional features such as routing, reliability and security
interact with the distributed processing model.

In addition, there are some minor changes in the terminology section:

1) In the definition of "SOAP message path" replace "the ultimate SOAP
receiver" with "an ultimate SOAP receiver" resulting in:

"The set of SOAP senders and SOAP receivers through which a single SOAP
message passes. This includes the initial SOAP sender, zero or more SOAP
intermediaries, and an ultimate SOAP receiver."

2) In the definition of "SOAP intermediary" replace "towards the
ultimate" with "towards an ultimate" resulting in:

A SOAP intermediary is both a SOAP receiver and a SOAP sender and is
target-able from within a SOAP message. It processes a defined set of
SOAP header blocks in a SOAP message along a SOAP message path. It acts
in order to forward the SOAP message towards an ultimate SOAP receiver.

3) In the definition of "Ultimate SOAP receiver", remove the first
sentence and modify resulting in the following text:

The ultimate SOAP receiver is responsible for processing the contents of
the SOAP body. Normally the ultimate receiver is the last SOAP node
along the SOAP message path. As described in section 2, a SOAP ultimate
receiver cannot also be a SOAP intermediary. In certain circumstances, a
SOAP message may not reach the ultimate recipient because of a SOAP
fault generated by a SOAP node along the SOAP message path.



Emerging ebusiness Industry Architecture , 
XML Technology and Messaging, 
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Notes Id: John Ibbotson/UK/IBM

Received on Tuesday, 5 March 2002 14:10:23 UTC