RE: XML Protocol: Proposals to address SOAPAction header

(Sorry for the intermittent email - I am on vacation at the moment)

I think the problem about multi-hop message paths and the SOAP/HTTP
binding is a little bit of a red herring - the HTTP binding itself
speaks nothing about multiple SOAP hops - only HTTP intermediaries which
of course are HTTP constructs and not SOAP constructs.

In order to talk about multi-hop SOAP routes one needs a SOAP routing
mechanism like for example the SOAP-RP proposal

which (not quite) coincidentally talks about a similar "action"
construct :)


>I echo Larry's concerns regarding this revised proposal.
>It does little to improve the situation and still does not 
>address how SOAPAction is communicated across different 
>transport protocols. If a SOAP message starts out being 
>communicated over the Frobnaz transport protocol, which does 
>NOT have a SOAPAction header (or even a place to put one) and 
>the message is being sent via a Frobnaz->HTTP gateway, where 
>does the gateway get the appropriate SOAPAction to put in the 
>HTTP headers when it forwards the message to the ultimate destination?

Received on Monday, 11 June 2001 16:58:09 UTC