RE: Fwd: I-D ACTION:draft-daigle-uri-std-00.txt

John Cowan wrote,
> Dan Brickley wrote:
> > [snip: change over time]
> This is so in principle, but I believe it's better to model 
> this as a matter of rebinding the resource-to-entity-body 
> relationship. That way the URI-to-resource binding is 
> constant, and the resource-to-entity-body relationship can 
> vary (or not exist).

But why should the URI-to-resouce binding be any more constant
than the resource-to-entity body relationship? In the general
case, that is, rather than wrt specific schemes where that
constraint might be imposed over and above anything specified
in RFC 2396.

The President isn't always the same person, and whichever 
person it happens to be this week isn't always the same bunch 
of atoms. There's scope for variation over time at _all_ levels
of description.



Miles Sabin                       Cromwell Media
Internet Systems Architect        5/6 Glenthorne Mews
+44 (0)20 8817 4030               London, W6 0LJ, England

Received on Thursday, 7 September 2000 13:07:11 UTC