Re: ns6 - conformance: No colons in entity names, PI targets, or notation names

The "Namespaces in XML" WD of 16 September seems to be
addressing the use of element and attribute names in
well-formed XML documents whose application profile is RDF.

That is, the WD seems not to have addressed the need 
for uniquely identifying the names of entities and 
notations, and the targets of processing instructions 
in valid XML documents and, by extension, their DTDs 
or schemas.

Since this WD does not address the need for qualification
of entity and notation names, nor processing instruction
targets, it is Veo's conclusion that the WD is not in
fact a specification of "Namespaces in XML".

There was an argument put forward by at least two members of
te formet XML WG that it would make no sense to allow for
the names of entities and notations, or pi targets to have
namespace-qualification. Those arguments, however, are only
pertinent in the context of XML DTDs as the sole schema language
for XML. Other schema languages, which have not been considered
during the process of defining the "Namespaces in XML", may
or will provide for namespace-qualification.

To remedy this situation, we propose that WD-xml-names-19980916.html
should be sent to an appropriate working group for further work. 



Murray Maloney, Esq.          Phone: (905) 509-9120
Muzmo Communication Inc.      Fax:   (905) 509-8637
671 Cowan Circle              Email:
Pickering, Ontario 		Email:
Canada, L1W 3K6    		

Received on Sunday, 20 September 1998 13:44:30 UTC