Re: Internal review: Namespaces WD

Editors of the namespace WD deserve the biggest applause.  However, 
I do not think that it is complete.

Production [1], which provides namespace declaration attributes, is 
never referenced from any production in XML 1.0 or this working draft.  
On the other hand, production [11] provides other attributes.  I think 
that this is highly confusing.  Reviewers might not even notice that 
any element can declare namespaces and that any XML fragment may be 
governed by any of its superior elements  (I personally think this is 
a serious flaw and would like to hear comments from the DOM WG, XML 
fragment WG, XSL WG, etc.)

If we really use attributes to declare namespaces, [11] and 
[1] should be merged.  E.g.,

	Attribute ::= (QName | PrefixDef) Eq AttValue

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Received on Wednesday, 16 September 1998 00:52:33 UTC